I-See 論壇 » 吹水區 » Here is BBQ&YAN&NI&CHING&SHERRY's home (5) 輕輕的我走了:)

2007-8-22 05:31 PM CBABEx]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:29 PM 發表

but i love it =3= [/quote]
i love toda ban la
but i dun hv money 2:sXj48DF:

2007-8-22 05:31 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]`Ha仔!x][/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:27 PM 發表

i can;t help you : [/quote]
i want my yan bakc

2007-8-22 05:31 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]ceciLiaNYS[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:31 PM 發表

i love toda ban la
but i dun hv money 2:sXj48DF: [/quote]
[color=Black]you just have 3000 -_-[/color]

2007-8-22 05:31 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]Raike[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:30 PM 發表

thank you rosa XD
i've heard that, HSM3 is filming , right? [/quote]
but dun sd to the others,,ok?!
ya,,but Zac(troy) won;t act in HSM3

2007-8-22 05:31 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:30 PM 發表

oh -V- [/quote]

2007-8-22 05:31 PM ding._.

2007-8-22 05:31 PM CBABEx]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:31 PM 發表

you just have 3000 -_- [/quote]

2007-8-22 05:32 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]ceciLiaNYS[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:31 PM 發表

-___-so.... [/quote]

2007-8-22 05:32 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]`Ha仔!x][/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:30 PM 發表
play  game la later see all of my freinds [/quote]

2007-8-22 05:32 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]ceciLiaNYS[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:30 PM 發表

bobo好.好bobo:sFQ90Oy: [/quote]

2007-8-22 05:32 PM CBABEx]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:32 PM 發表

人地一叫個價可能已經高過你-_- [/quote]
i dun no how to earn money-.-

2007-8-22 05:33 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]ceciLiaNYS[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:32 PM 發表

i dun no how to earn money-.- [/quote]

2007-8-22 05:33 PM RAIKE
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:28 PM 發表

he means ge what real money for buying now photos of 大倉( why not 小山? )
HK dollar ar [/quote]
at the moment now, is the Kanjani Eito's (關8) CONCERT TOUR
they are going to have concerts at 47 places
so, they have many photos.
About me, i just buy Okura's Limited Live Photoes (限定live相)
and all Okura's fans are bidding
so i need money *v*

Koyama... I will buy one set of photos in TW concert ( 台灣演唱會 )in OCT

2007-8-22 05:33 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]ceciLiaNYS[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:32 PM 發表

i dun no how to earn money-.- [/quote]
many banners for bidding is the fastest way

2007-8-22 05:33 PM CBABEx]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:33 PM 發表

我都想知=v= [/quote]
if you bid the banner,you will be the same wif me-,-

2007-8-22 05:34 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]Raike[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:33 PM 發表

at the moment now, is the Kanjani Eito's (關8) CONCERT TOUR
they are going to have concerts at 47 places
so, they have many photos.
About me, i just buy Okura's Limited Live P ... [/quote]
still so many photos you've got to buy themXD

2007-8-22 05:34 PM RAIKE
[quote]原帖由 [i]J.RoSaBeE:]`[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:31 PM 發表

but dun sd to the others,,ok?!
ya,,but Zac(troy) won;t act in HSM3 [/quote]
promise you:D

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss him *V*

2007-8-22 05:35 PM CBABEx]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:33 PM 發表

many banners for bidding is the fastest way [/quote]
i hv dl ps for only3 days-_-
my banners are ugly

2007-8-22 05:35 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]Raike[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:34 PM 發表

promise you:D

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss him *V* [/quote]
thz raikee>V<
um,,,ok for me-3-

2007-8-22 05:37 PM RAIKE
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2007-8-22 05:34 PM 發表

still so many photos you've got to buy themXD [/quote]
the normal live photos, if i have chance(&money) , i will buy
but, first of all, after buying Okura's, then here comes Ryo's
( I won't buy the 1ST Limited Live Photos,either Okura nor Ryo, since it is exprensive.. at least 4000 yen
About Ryo, i will not buy all, just for 4th ... maybe 2nd also. Okura, i won't buy 4th because it's not good looking =,=)

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