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2008-6-26 08:10 PM 咇仔
[quote]原帖由 [i]wsyan.[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:06 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

:svI72d7: 仲有d咩可以做呢xd [/quote]
影張相做記念:soD14qo: :sel43MB:

2008-6-26 08:10 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]露莎x]`[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:08 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

me2me2me2me2!!!!same situation!!!!so difficult!!most of us failed [/quote]
that reading paper is very poor,
but luckily, the mark is not failed in total of the five papers
but it was really a disaster to us for chinese :sXj48DF:

2008-6-26 08:10 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]露莎x]`[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:06 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

XD haha,u ar saying that now u ar not happy [/quote]
of course>W<
because so many fdz in my house>W<

2008-6-26 08:11 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]茈[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:09 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

baby & 老婆:syl68Ba:
i lov u always:syl68Ba: [/quote]
yaya.=o= orz...i wanna die
haha,xdd love u forever and ever tim ah!<3333 :syl68Ba: :syl68Ba:

2008-6-26 08:11 PM 咇仔
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:08 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

而家變左做兩頁=0= [/quote]
加油呀dad dad:syl68Ba:

2008-6-26 08:11 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:10 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

我變左兩頁:sZl294t: [/quote]

2008-6-26 08:11 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]茈[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:09 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

baby & 老婆:syl68Ba:
i lov u always:syl68Ba: [/quote]
yaya.=o= orz...i wanna die
haha,xdd love u forever and ever tim ah!<3333 :syl68Ba: :syl68Ba:

2008-6-26 08:11 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]鼠;[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:06 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

-0- you have to eat slower la ;] [/quote]
my mom and classmates reminfd me that too

2008-6-26 08:11 PM CHING=D
[quote]原帖由 [i]鼠;[/i] 於 2008-6-26 20:07 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

long time no blow with you la ;] [/quote]

我仲以為你唔記得左我啦 T^T

2008-6-26 08:11 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]茈[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:10 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

影張相做記念:soD14qo: :sel43MB: [/quote]

2008-6-26 08:11 PM 鼠;
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:07 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

+oil ar

which subject left? [/quote]
phy t^t
the most difficult one /_\

2008-6-26 08:11 PM 咇仔
[quote]原帖由 [i]chin-yanc0`:][/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:08 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結
yeah!!long time no see!!!!!!!!! [/quote]
yanco baby:syl68Ba:

2008-6-26 08:12 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]露莎x]`[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:07 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

ya-_- same condition.....
add oil ah!!! [/quote]
2 pages to go -_-

2008-6-26 08:12 PM 鼠;
[quote]原帖由 [i]茈[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:07 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

y ah baby?_? [/quote]
mon test ah ;]

2008-6-26 08:12 PM wsyan.

2008-6-26 08:12 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]茈[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:08 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

個個係回禮黎架:snC260H: [/quote]
nvm la:D

2008-6-26 08:12 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]wsyan.[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:10 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

that reading paper is very poor,
but luckily, the mark is not failed in total of the five papers
but it was really a disaster to us for chinese :sXj48DF: [/quote]
*O* same ah....other 4 paper push me back up!

2008-6-26 08:12 PM 咇仔
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:10 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

:syl68Ba: XD

add words [/quote]

2008-6-26 08:12 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]茈[/i] 於 2008-6-26 08:08 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

add oil together=] [/quote]
我而家都增加至2 pages _V_

2008-6-26 08:13 PM CHING=D
[quote]原帖由 [i]wsyan.[/i] 於 2008-6-26 20:08 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

:sT445SN:  hihihihihi ching,
我都未有時間hi您timxd [/quote]


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