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標題: [绝种贱男之爱在三级的日子][MKV/2G][中字][香港剧情]
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Rank: 1

會員編號 511538
精華 0
積分 978
帖子 489
威望 0 點
I-See幣 5090 錢
GAME幣 100 個
口水 978 滴
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  男
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2024-8-16
註冊天數 202
狀態 離線
  只顯示 NO.1 的帖子
發表於 2024-9-22 02:01 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 


Crazy Scum: Adult Movies (2003)
Year…………….: 2003
Directed by………: Siu Keung
Star…………….: Carmen Yeung Ga Man, Cherry Chan Chui Chui
Genre……………: Comedy | Adult | CATIII
Countries………..: Hong Kong
Language…………: Cantonese
Also as Known…….: 絕種賤男之愛在三級的日子

Film director Wai asks gang leader Ball to invest in a movie. He cheats famous actors Lok and Sa Sa to take the classical film, and then he finds two stunt actors, April and KK, for the love scene. With the editing, he changes the film with famous actors acting erotic movie. Everything is smooth, but Ball comes up and asks for “special service” from April in exchange for his continued investment in the movie…




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