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標題: . 吾該 =v=
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註冊 2006-5-28
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發表於 2007-4-12 05:29 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
. 吾該 =v=

One Ticket to the Moon, Please!

When you want to take a trip to Italy or some other country, all you have to do is buy a plane ticket. An aeroplane can take you anywhere in the world.

Now, a company called Virgin Galactic wants to offer that same service to people who want to travel into space. The owner of Virgin Galactic is Sir Richard Branson. His team of scientists has already designed and built a vehicle for space travel. The name of that vehicle is SpaceShipOne. Recently, SpaceShipOne took a man into space and back to earth safely.

Virgin Galactic is now planning to build larger space vehicles that will carry more people. They believe that in the next three years, as many as three thousand passengers will want to try space travel and will pay the company for that service. Sir Richard said he hopes to create thousands of astronauts over the next few years.

A ticket for a ride into space will cost £100,000 (approximately HK$1,500,000).

Please choose the best answer.
1.   The last sentence of paragraph one shows that _____.   

      A.  Italians make nice aeroplanes  

B.  people used to travel by boat  

C.  everyone takes aeroplanes  

D.  aeroplanes are convenient  

2.   What is NOT true about SpaceShipOne?   

      A.  It is a vehicle for space travel.  

B.  It was built by Virgin Galactic.  

C.  It can carry many people.  

D.  It was designed by engineers.  

3.   It can be inferred from paragraph three that _____.   

      A.  Sir Richard is a good businessman  

B.  Sir Richard has a lot of money  

C.  Sir Richard has traveled to space  

D.  Sir Richard paid people to travel  

4.   Paragraph three mainly talks about _____.   

      A.  Virgin Galactic's future plans for space travel  

B.  Virgin Galactic's new space vehicle, SpaceShipOne  

C.  people who have traveled to space and back  

D.  the cost of traveling to space with friends  

5.   According to paragraph four, someone who wants to travel to space _____.   

      A.  should work in Virgin Galactic  

B.  should go in an aeroplane  

C.  should build a space craft  

D.  should have a lot of money

註::需要岩晒[量力而為'] =)

[ 本帖最後由 sIUSHaN` 於 2007-4-13 09:26 PM 編輯 ]


我真的好想好想再 1 次不顧 1 切的跑掉`
再 1 次拋下所有離開這裡..
我也只不過是 1 個很普通很普通的女孩..
不比其他人堅強, 不比其他人溫柔體貼`
不比其他人可愛, 不比其他人有耐性..
不比其他人動人, 不比其他人優雅..

但..  我比 任何人 還要愛 他

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