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標題: Fewer tests and examinations would be beneficial to Hong Kong students
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會員編號 434791
精華 0
積分 202
帖子 41
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閱讀權限 40
註冊 2009-3-25
註冊天數 5821
狀態 離線
  只顯示 tracy-choi123 的帖子
發表於 2009-12-4 01:23 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Fewer tests and examinations would be beneficial to Hong Kong students

I agree that fewer tests and examinations would be beneficial to Hong Kong students. We face so many that almost all our time in school seems to be taken up preparing for them. Then, when we go home after school, on weekends and on holidays it is the same: more studying for tests and exams.

The numerous tests and exams create a lot of stress for us students. This pressure has all kinds of negative effects. Some students feel unhappy and nervous. Some study all the time, so they never do any exercise. If there were fewer exams, the reduction of stress in our lives would make us emotionally and physically healthier.

Fewer exams and tests would also mean that we would have more time for other activities in school like group projects and outings. Also if tests were replaced by other kinds of assessment which did not create so much pressure, performance and grades may improve. With this kind of flexibility in the academic schedule, students could become well-rounded academically. Similarly, with less time after school devoted to exam and test preparation, students could become well-rounded members of society by doing voluntary work and spending more time with friends and family.

I do not deny that tests and exams are an essential part of education, but they should be balanced with other forms of assessment. As matters mow stand, the proportion of time we spend on tests and exams and preparing for them is excessive, making us constantly tired and stressed-out. A reduction of tests and exams would certainly improve the quality of students’ lives and even our future.

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