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¼ÐÃD: 2024-01-01 ªL¨°¾ì - ©¶¤WÁ[«ä - ­ß·Q­µ¼Ö¸Ö (MP3@320K@KF/CT@83MB)
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2024-01-01 ªL¨°¾ì - ©¶¤WÁ[«ä - ­ß·Q­µ¼Ö¸Ö (MP3@320K@KF/CT@83MB)



¡i±M¿èºq¤â¡j: ªL¨°¾ì
¡i±M¿è¦WºÙ¡j: ©¶¤WÁ[«ä - ­ß·Q­µ¼Ö¸Ö
¡iµo¦æ¤é´Á¡j: 2024-01-01
¡i°Û¤ù¤½¥q¡j: 发现û|·Q
¡i±M¿è»y¨¥¡j: 纯­µ乐
¡iÀɮפj¤p¡j: 83MB
¡i­µ¼Ö®æ¦¡¡j: MP3
¡i­µ¼Ö«~½è¡j: 320K CBR
¡i¦s©ñªÅ¶¡¡j: KF + CT
¡i¥¢³s®É¶¡¡j: §KªÅ´Á­­


专辑¦W称(¤¤¤å)¡G< ©¶¤W缪«ä-­ß·Q­µ乐诗 >

专辑¦W称(­^¤å)¡GMuse on Strings -Meditative Music Poetry


专辑¥Nªí艺¤H(­^¤å)¡GEmma Chenhua Lin





发¦æ¤½¥q¡G滚¥Û²¾动ªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q /Rock Mobile Corp.






Amidst the strings, the muse is gently plucked under the crescent moonlight. Encounter with a medieval troubadour, dancing gracefully in the meditative garden with ethereal fairies. We are the sands flowing through time, permeating the lightness to capture notes and rhythmic molecules. As we traverse the universe, an infinite journey of dreams unfolds.


"Muse on Strings -Meditative Music Poetry" is an emotionally rich and evocative musical masterpiece that gracefully leads listeners into a meditative and soul-stirring realm of music. It not only brims with profound local sentiments but also seamlessly integrates urban pulsations, showcasing the diverse musical culture of Taiwan. Like unfolding scenes in a story, the album encompasses a spectrum of instruments, including piano, harp, guzheng, electronic music, synthesizers, and drums, spanning musical explorations from folk to jazz. This allows natural landscapes, dreamy emotions, classic folk, and everyday life to dance between the notes, resonating with the audience's heartstrings.

The album exudes an ethereal charm, simultaneously releasing bursts of unrestrained inspiration. In the fluidity of artistic imagery, it brings a refreshing wave of string sounds, creating a wonderful and surprising journey. In addition to the original compositions, there is contemplation of returning to roots, presenting a nostalgic yet contemporary fusion. Apart from six original pieces, four compositions skillfully interweave folk tunes, rearranging rhythms, harmonies, and orchestrations. The distant dimensions of mountains and seas instantly become dimensional, turning everyday scenes into a cultural and artistic tableau. The album not only cultivates a healing and urban atmosphere but also captures the romantic and beautiful solace in each person's heart. With Emma Chenhua Lin¡¦s unique approach, the album pioneers the convergence of instrumental music with electronic elements, blending Chinese and English meditative modern poetry, and exploring the diverse dimensions of spiritual realms. "Muse on Strings - Healing Harmonies" creates an immersive and artistic atmosphere for personal universes, aiming to provide an unforgettable subconscious expression experience. It aspires to guide listeners in healing internal regrets and sorrows, as well as rediscovering the lost beauty in reality. Through musical imagination, the album boldly encounters and fulfills all unrealized aspirations.

关¤_ªL¨°桦Emma Chenhua Lin



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01 . ªL¨°¾ì - ¤s®ü¨Ó¦ÛºÖº¸¼¯¨F Letter From Formosa
02 . ªL¨°¾ì - ·¥¥úªºÄ±¿ô Aurora Awakening
03 . ªL¨°¾ì - §Ñ¼~½¹½º¨¦ Relaxing Butterfly Valley
04 . ªL¨°¾ì - ¶H¤ú¦âªº°O¾Ð®ü Ivory Memory Sea
05 . ªL¨°¾ì - ¦ËªL¬Û«ä«B Longing Rain in Bamboo Forest
06 . ªL¨°¾ì - ©]¦± - ¤Õ³¶ºñªº¯]¥ú Turquoise Tears Serenade
07 . ªL¨°¾ì - ´ä³£©]¨Ó­» Rainy Night Blossoms at Seaport
08 . ªL¨°¾ì - ®ôºr¤Û¹Ú Hotspring Reverie
09 . ªL¨°¾ì - ¤i¶§¤Uªº©b¶h Dusk Dreamscape
10 . ªL¨°¾ì - º·¥ú·³¤ë«È®a±¡ Golden Era of Hakka



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