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標題: 2024-02-16 柳應廷 - I Am the I (MP3@320K@KF/FD@112MB)
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Rank: 2

會員編號 510319
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註冊 2023-9-5
註冊天數 547
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  只顯示 yoyo89312 的帖子
發表於 2024-2-17 08:48 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
2024-02-16 柳應廷 - I Am the I (MP3@320K@KF/FD@112MB)



【專輯歌手】: 柳應廷
【專輯名稱】: I Am the I
【發行日期】: 2024-02-16
【唱片公司】: 大国文化唱片
【專輯語言】: 粵語
【檔案大小】: 112MB
【音樂格式】: MP3
【音樂品質】: 320K CBR
【存放空間】: KF + FD
【失連時間】: 免空期限


In realms unseen, where secrets thrive, Kabbalah dances, the mystic’s dive. A tapestry of ancient wisdom’s art, sketching the cosmos, unveiling the heart. Between the letters, a hidden code, mysteries woven in every episode. From seers and sages, a sacred fire, igniting souls with divine desire. The Tree of Life, a celestial guide, paths intertwining, the universe wide. Kabbalah whispers, its secrets unfold, revealing truths, ancient and bold. A quest for unity, bridging the divide, Kabbalah’s essence, in shadows resides. In sacred texts and mystical lore, the seeker finds keys to unlock the door. So let your spirit wander and explore, Kabbalah’s depths forevermore. For in its embrace, a mystical delight, a journey of soul, in divine flight.


01 . 柳應廷 - MM7
02 . 柳應廷 - I am the I
03 . 柳應廷 - 離別的規矩
04 . 柳應廷 - 自毀的程序
05 . 柳應廷 - 坐看雲起時
06 . 柳應廷 - 水刑物語
07 . 柳應廷 - 迴光物語
08 . 柳應廷 - 風靈物語
09 . 柳應廷 - 狂人日記
10 . 柳應廷 - 砂之器
11 . 柳應廷 - 人類群星閃耀時




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